Monday, April 23, 2012

     Happy Monday!!  In addition to all of the happenings from my last post, there was one more BIG happening that needed its very own special post.  My little, beloved sister got her first tattoo!!  This may not be a big deal for most of you out there, but growing up in the Carson household we were told if we ever got a tattoo “it would be sand blasted off and we were out of the will.” –Straight from Papa Carson’s mouth.  Being the oldest child I have had to “break-in” my parents to basically anything fun, yes including getting a tattoo.  Even though I may have been the first to venture down that road, I was still scared for Maddie having to break the news to my dad…or so I thought I should be.  Unbeknownst to me he knew about it all along!  Since Maddie came as moral support when I got mine, it was only fitting that I be along her side to hold her hand.  This tattoo was especially important to Maddie.  Over the past 11 months, Maddie has been on a journey to become a healthier and happier young woman.  She has lost an incredible 78 pounds through healthy eating and exercise!!  She has always been an absolutely beautiful person, but now other people are seeing her for who she truly is.  She is such an inspiration to me and drives me to be better and do better with my life.  I love her so much and am so happy I was able to be a part of marking this milestone in her life.  

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

How cute is she?!

     I am so proud of you Maddie and can't wait to see all of the great things you will accomplish in your life!! XOXOXO

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

     Happy Tuesday Loves! !  I hope your April has been as fabulous as mine so far!  A lot of exciting things have been happening around my neck of the woods, and hopefully more to come!  First off – Arizona!  Let me just start by saying how BADLY I needed a vacation and how utterly AMAZING this vacation turned out to be.  Will and I flew out with my parents the afternoon of the 3rd.  

Will in the Co-Pilot's seat on the flight.
     Since I was good and xanex’d up, we decided lounging by the pool was the perfect way to start out our vaca.  A little sun, a little music, and a little lot of xanex made for the greatest outdoor nap I’ve ever experienced!  Tuesday was Grant’s birthday, so we all went out to Pomo Pizzeria.  

Grant with his Birthday dessert.

     For you Nebraskan’s, Pomo’s is pretty much like our Pitch – delicious.  The next morning we all got up early (for vacation) and went to a 75min Summits class.  I forgot how much I love Summits and how different {harder} it is from our Summits inspired class we put on here.  A little passing out never hurt anyone, right? J Wednesday afternoon was also spent catching some sun by the pool and catching up on our latest books.  

     The weather was glorious every day we were there.  Wednesday night we went down to the fountain, to our favorite little win bar called Grapeables. 

Night #1 @ Grapeables

     It’s such a quaint little place with live music, cheese & hummus trays, and of course wine to die for!  I’m fairly certain I would be there every night if I lived in Arizona.  We called it an early night, because they next morning we were waking up wayyyyy too early (vacation or not) to climb tower death mountain and watch the sunrise.  What is tower mountain you are probably asking yourself right now?  For those of you who know the Carson Family fairly well, know this mountain is a must anytime we are in Arizona.  For those of you who are less familiar, let me do a little explaining.  When my parents first got a condo and fell in love with Arizona, my dad somehow found this hiking trail on one of his crazy adventures.  Turns out, it’s the highest point in Maricpoa County. So high you can see Mexico on a clear day!  As kids we absolutely hated, loathed, would rather get bit by a rattle snake than have to climb tower mountain – that’s how hard it is.  Don’t believe me?  Will can attest to it!  As I’ve grown older (as has my love for fitness) I have grown to love hiking this mountain.  Not only is it something completely different than anything I can do in Nebraska, but it is an incredible workout, which means I can totally stuff my face with Oregano’s (I’ll explain later) and not feel the least bit guilty about it.  Anywho, back to Thursday morning…we got the great idea to hike the mountain early in the morning, in hopes of making it to the concrete by the time the sun was rising over four peaks.  Although we didn’t make it to the concrete for the sunrise, we were able to get to a good point to sit back, catch our breath, and witness the beauty unfold.  

     It. Was. Spectacular.  Absolutely breathtaking.  We then continued on our trek up the mountain.  I swear it felt 100x steeper than the last time I had climbed it, but we made it to the top!  It is such an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment every time we get to the top, so much so that I keep climbing every time I’m out there.  

Finally made it to the top!

     Thursday afternoon was spent recovering and lounging by the pool.  Of course a few Bud Light Limes aided in our recovery process J  There’s  just something about BLL and warm weather that makes me want to squeal! 

      Thursday night was another early one, but not before consuming a huge amount of wine with one of my dad’s employees and our family’s old neighbors.  Friday morning we got a little caught up on sleep [though not much] and did our own workout at the gym.  Late Friday morning it was time for some golf!  Will and I took on my mom and dad in a little scramble.  I have not touched a golf club (the same goes for my mom) since last summer.  That, in combination with my dad tweaking our every swing = cocktails by 10:30!!  I got an extreme gene for competition from my dear ole dad, so when I play as badly as I was, it gets a tad frustrating.  But, nothing a little cocktail, or 3, can’t fix!  

     After finishing our game, which Will and I only lost by a few strokes (thanks to Will!) we lounged by the pool.  Shocking I know!  This was really our last day to be bums by the pool, because the next day my mom and I were going shopping while Will and my dad went on a 7 hour hike.  Yes, you read that right, 7 hours!  Good bonding time, eh?  Friday night we had to make one more and one last stop at Grapeables. 

Night #2 @ Grapeables

      My goal this summer is to find a place like Grapeables here in Omaha.  After a long day of shopping on Saturday, my mom and I stopped at Oregano’s to pick up dinner for the crew.  Oregano’s is a must-stop every time we are in Arizona.  They have THE BEST Guac-a-tony, Big Rig Pasta, and Cookie dessert you could ever dream of!  Explaining what these are won’t do them justice.  Just make sure you make a pit stop at this restaurant if you are ever in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area.  My mom and I were wiped (not to mention a bit cranky) after being in a crowded mall all day, so needless to say we were ready for a cocktail.  Once again, Oregano’s outdid themselves! 

     Don’t they just say “I’ll take all your troubles away?!”  Sunday morning was uber early, being as that Will and I still had to pack and we were leaving the house by 6am.  A hop and a skip over a couple of states and we were back to the Good Life ready for Easter festivities with both of our families.

     Fast forward to last Friday.  This was an incredibly special day.  Daniel (Will’s younger brother) officially got sworn into the army!  He gets shipped off to boot camp May 21st {tear} and won’t be returning to us in Omaha.  I have grown especially close to Daniel, because it is usually myself, Will and him always hanging out and getting into shenanigans.  We are so proud of him and know he will do great!!  

     I was lucky enough to be able to attend the ceremony, where a few tears were shed, and then celebrate with his family that night.  We will sure miss D, but am so proud of what he is doing!  The rest of the weekend was spent waiting for tornadoes, which NEVER CAME, and throwing Grant a surprise birthday party.  All in all, a fantastic weekend!  Now the countdown is on to Will and I’s trip to D.C. - only 17 days until we leave!  Until next time…XOXOXO