Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Helloooo dolls!  I hope you all had a fantastic weekend.  Mine was jam packed and no where near long enough (are they ever?!).  I’ve got a killer (and by killer I mean you will not want to move a single inch tomorrow morning) workout and a new absolutely delicious recipe for you!!  First off, an hour and 48 minutes of death.

1. Warm up
- 10min run
2. 16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 (reps)
- over head KB Swing (I used 12kg for sets 16 through 10 and 16kg for sets 8 through 2)
- KB Power Up-Right Row (same weight as above)
- DB Thrusters (I used 20lbs for sets 16-10 and 25lbs for 8-2)
- Scotty Bobs (In push up position holding DB: do one row with each arm fallowed by a push up, that is one rep.) (I used 20lbs for set 16, passed out, used 15lbs for 14-10, then switched back to 20lbs for 8-2)
- Dips (legs elevated)
- Front Loaded Squats (same weight as thrusters)
- Swiss Ball Leg Curl
3. 4 Rounds
-12x Sit up to 4x Russian twist going down from each sit up (use a 10lb med ball)
-10x Burpees (I love burpees!! Said no one ever)
-20/20/20 Plank Complex (20sec of each: Left side plank, front side plank, right side plank)


Saying I was exhausted would be the understatement of the century.  

As far as the recipe, rather than the almost better than sex zucchini lasagna, I spiced up my ground turkey with an assortment of spices, yes including freshly minced garlic and made them into mini meatballs.  I let them bake in the over for about 10 minutes on 350 and heated up some tomato sauce on the stove.  Once the 10 minutes was up, I plopped the little nuggets into the sauce for about another 15-20 minutes.  In the meantime, microwave your spaghetti squash.  Cut in half, 10 minutes a slice, spoon out the middle and voila!  Healthy spaghetti and meat balls J 

Sorry this post is lacking a bit, but between last night’s and this afternoon’s workout, I. am. exhausted.

In other news, I’m going to start a tumblr.

And Daisi and Moose became friends last night.

Doesn’t that just make your heart happy?!

I know most of you don’t know who Moose is since I have yet to have been putting off a life update from the 3 month blogging hiatus I took.

So sue me.  All you need to know at the moment is he’s the newest addition to our crazy fam bam and had completely stolen our hearts.

Now get off your ass and go do the workout! 

And for those of you who aren't too big of pussies to try it, please don’t come searching for me to hurt me because I promise IT WILL HURT YOU…

In a good way!



Friday, October 26, 2012

Today marks the 5th day of my new meal plan and I feel pretty damn good!!  Yesterday, all of my meals were the same..except for dinner!!  Yes, folks I finally made something other than zucchini lasagna, although I’m fairly certain it will be making its way back into my mouth veryyyy soon.

Not complaining about it.

But, back to the new recipe, which is equally as awesome.  Still using my ground up turkey, I made delish turkey burgers.  The patties consisted of fresh minced garlic (shocking, I know), chopped onions, and a variety of Mrs. Dash seasonings.  I try to add a variety of spices that don’t contain sodium.  Since it was beyonddddd freezing and I didn’t really feel like frostbite last night, I opted for the stovetop.  Add a little coconut oil, a little spray of Pam, and WhaBam!  I had myself quite the little burger.  I chopped it up into pieces and mixed the burger in with a big ole bowl of spinach, a diced tomato, and a smidge of fat free feta.  Top it all off with Walden Farms dressing (also shocking) and your meal is complete!!  Very yummy and extremely filling!!

This morning I did something I shouldn’t have…

I got the scale out, and faced it.

I’ve been terrified of this piece of equipment ever since I’ve started this new meal plan, because healthy or not, food is food and can add lbs.  I’ve been especially terrified because I had finally hit my goal weight about 2 months ago and would be crushed to be above it.  As a side note, for whatever reason my scale at home typically weighs me 4lbs heavier than any other scale I’ve been on whether it be at one of my 2 gyms, my parents house, wherever.  Except for the doctor’s office scale.

That thing is pure E.V.I.L.

But, back to my bravery this morning…I stripped down to my skivvies, stepped on the beast(while squinting my eyes shut I might add), and looked down to see..

 I’m 4 pounds over.. whomp, whomp!  Even though my scale weighs me heavier, it’s still incredibly disappointing to see that number after I’ve worked so hard not only with my meals this week, but also with my workouts.  They have been brutal!

I think my trainer is secretly plotting to kill me.  Or just make me pass out.  Either one.

For now, I’m going to try and not think about it too much and let my meal plan run its course for the full 2 weeks.  Then I can panic/become sad/angry/want to throw the beast into a black hole and not feel sorry about it.

No feeling sorry this weekend.  Why?  Because its FREAKING HALLOWEEN WEEKEND!!!

My absolute favorite!! 

I love getting to dress up and go out with awesome friends {and an awesomely hot boyfriend ;)}Anddd I get to have some drinks this weekend!! [Happy dance]  I’m thinking of it as a reward for doing so well this week!!!  Plus, I love vodka+waters with some lime, so fairly low cal.

Also, because I think I'm actually seeing progress, which is ALWAYS a big fat plus in my book!!

It may just be in my head, but hey, I'll take it!

I hope you all have a spooktacular weekend!
Cheesy?  Yes.  But I had to.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Same shit. Different day.

I feel as though I’m stuck in the movie Groundhog’s Day, which is ironic since I was actually born on Groundhog’s Day…joke…I really was born on G day, but I’m not complaining about my meals being exactly the same for the past 3 days because truth be told – they rock my socks off!!

For real.

I’m claiming my idea of adding fresh minced garlic to the zucchini lasagna is responsible for making it soooo delish and sooooo addicting.  Garlic makes everything better.  Garlic and wine.  Little Italy anyone?  I swear I was born with wine flowing through my veins…and garlic coming out of my pores.  .  My family has become immune to the stench of garlic and the effects of wine. {watch out vampires}

That’s how much we consume of them.  A LOT.

Anywho, I’m feeling better and better each morning I wake up after another day of my new eating habits.  I’m still feeling like a cow whale at the end of the day, but I’m hoping praying like crazy that this goes away because lesbehonest, who likes feeling like a whale without even having some yummy junk food to blame?!  Not I!  Speaking of junk food, I am counting down the days until I can have my first cheat day…12 in case you were wondering.  I can practically taste the Espana that I missed out on Sunday :(   Gahhhh, still upset about it!  But, that’s a story for another day.

Hope you all [you all as in the few people I think actually read this thing] have a great Thursday!
And seriously, if you haven’t introduced your taste buds to all that is Walden Farms yet…

You’re insane :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Numero Dos

Day 2 is done and in the books!!  {mini happy dance}  My meal plan was exactly the same as yesterday and the zucchini lasagna was equally as amazing!!  Seriously, make it for dinner tonight.  Your husband and boyfriend will thank you and you will thank me :)  Side note:  If you find that you don’t have enough zucchini yellow squash works equally as well.  I promise.  I tested it out and zero difference in the yum factor.  At this point the only real thing I’m struggling panicking with is the feeling of bloating and fattiness at the end of the day…Even though I’m eating SUPER healthy, the pure amount of food I’m supposed to be consuming is astonishing.  Like I feel as though I’ve consumed another human by the end of the day.. Okay, maybe not that much.  But close!  And let me tell you, I don’t like it ONE BIT!  But…I’m doing it because coach told me to and coach knows best.  Let’s hope all of this continuous eating is really going to get my metabolism revving so I can be a babe like her!  Now that, I would be 100% a okay with!  I’ll leave you peeps with a little motivation to power through



Tuesday, October 23, 2012

No Turning Back - Day 1

     Hellllooooooo everyone!!  My apologies, I know its been awhile too long since I last blogged.  Life has been absolutely crazy.  Like head spinning, I can't believe its almost Halloween, where has the freaking time gone CRAZY!!  Still, no excuse for my neglection.  All of my life happenings and extremely interesting busy updates will have to wait just a wee bit longer for another day in lieu of an announcement   

     If any of you are friends with me on Facebook, then I'm sure you're well aware that come next spring I am going to be competing in a bikini competition.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I will be strutting my goods in an itty bitty, ruched butt, sparkly bikini along with sky high clear stilettos, all in hopes that the judges like what they see.  Anyone who knows me personally knows I come from a very competitive and workout oriented obsessed family.  Throughout college and soon after graduating I was always training for something whether it be the starting spot on the UNK volleyball team or being able to successfully complete my first half marathon.  Obviously I've graduated so volleyball is done and unfortunately my bum hip also sidelines and long distance running.  Sigh...  I've still continued to workout like crazy, but lately have found it harder and harder damn near impossible to drag my lazy butt to the gym, all because I'm getting burned out.  Sure, I love the feeling once I get done with my workout and God knows I LOVE the effects working out has on my body, but let's be honest...I'm calling a big ole bullshit on anyone the claims they love to workout.  I'd be willing to bet if doctors invented a pill (praying they do!) that would give you THE SAME EXACT RESULTS that working your ass off in the gym did with no side effects, all those people who claimed they genuinely love to workout would be in line to get one.  Hell, I'd be pushing and shoving my way to the front of that damn line!!  There may be that teeny tiny percentage of people who actually do love working out and I applaud you...while also thinking you're completely insane.  And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
     So, what my ramblings are trying to get at is I need something to train for, set my sights on, some end goal.  That's where the bikini competition comes into play.  Now mind you I've had people tell me I should do them before and I politely told them to go jump off a bridge.  Just kidding.  But, I never, ever in my wildest dreams thought I would be doing a show mainly because of the discipline it takes to get in absolute peak condition.  Well, I'm doing it and I'm pretty damn excited about it!  (Did I really just say that?!)  I've not only decided to compete, but I've also decided to document every step of the journey through my blog.  I'm partially doing it for myself.  If I someday decided to compete again I want to be able to go back and look at the progression.  I'm also doing it for any girls out there who are considering competing.  WARNING:  This will not be all butterflies and rainbows and unicorns.  I will disclose everything, including all the nasty, nitty gritty, horrible deets and trust me..I know there will be!  So there you have it folks!  Welcome to my journey in becoming a Bikini Competitor.  Oh, and I have this awesome, hot, stud of a coach.  

I told you she was a stud!  There is no way in hell I could do this without her help.  And by help I mean I text her close to every hour with questions.  She's amazing.

Day 1
     I got up extra early to prep my meals for the day.  My coach said I need to eat every 2-3 hours in order to keep my metabolism going.  This totally freaks me out!  I normally don't consume that much food throughout the day, so instantly I think holy shit I'm going to pack on the lbs!  I really wasn't too hungry throughout the day, but stuck to my meal plan and got all of my meals in.  Go me!  My workouts are also changing from a circuit type workout to more lifting.  At the end of the day I was feeling overly stuffed and bloated.  I feel as though I gained 10lbs just from eating yesterday, even though it was all extremely healthy!  I'm hoping today goes better!  Here is what my meals consisted of:

     Protein shakes, rolled oats and blueberries, egg white (lots of them!), chicken breast and green beans, greek yogurt with protein, blueberries, and sugar free pudding mix, turkey and zucchini lasagna, and a protein pancake.  

     The zucchini lasagna was auhmazzzingggg!! !  It was simple to make too.  First, brown ground turkey in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.  I also added chopped onions and fresh minced garlic.  In a separate pan I sprayed Pam, threw in thinly sliced zucchini with a bit of garlic powder and pepper and cooked them until they were soft and slightly brown.  Add enough tomato sauce to the turkey just to cover it.  Grab a small loaf pan or casserole dish and spray some Pam around the edges and bottom.  Throw in your zucchini then turkey.  Lightly sprinkle non-fat cheddar cheese on top, stick in the over until it melts, and Voila!  Yummy in my tummy!

     Also, any of you who have not heard of/tried the deliciousness that is Walden Farms, leave now!  Just kidding, but seriously as soon as your are done reading this post drive to your nearest Hy-vee  (other places may carry it, but this is where I've had the best luck) and get yo self some WF!  It's calorie free, sugar free, fat free, carb free, and gluten free heaven in yo mouth!  Seriously.  I love, love, love adding their pancake syrup to my oats and protein pancakes of course and their thick and spicy BBQ sauce is fantastic on veggies and chicken, and prior to my competition diet I would dip my apples in their caramel sauce.  They have soooooo many different choices.  Go. Get. Some.  I'm ending my post now so you can leave.  I promise your taste buds will thank me :)