Thursday, December 6, 2012

If you could use a good cry...

If you could use a good cry, just try out one of these workouts.  Especially the last one.  Leg day.

Oh leg day, how I loathe you, how I despise you.  Yet, how I LOVE your effects.  I like big butts and I cannot lie.  Especially my own.  I've owned up to the fact that I will never, ever in this lifetime have a small rear.  And I'm okay with that.  Now, onto the tear-enducing workouts.  

Sidenote:  You will also be able to see these under the tab named workouts.

10 Minutes on Stair Climber at a BRISK pace

1. Warm Up 3 Rounds
10x KB Swing
10x Push Ups
Lat-Pec Stretch

2. 4 Rounds: 30 sec rest between each round
14x Close Grip Floor Press
12x (each arm) One Arm Med Ball Push Up
10x Wide Grip Decline Pull Over

3. 4 Rounds: 30 sec rest between each round
14x Stability Ball DB Flys
12x Med Ball Diamond Push Up
10x Incline Bench Cable Press

4. 3 Rounds As Fast As Possible
10x Med Ball Burpee (full extension) to Wall Ball
2x Sled Push
10x each arm Sledge Hammer Tire Hit

5. 4 Rounds
10x Elbow to Knee Russian Twist
10x V-Up
10x Knees to Chest
25x each side Fingers to Heel

10 Minutes on Stair Climber at a BRISK pace

1. Warm Up 3 Rounds
10x Inverse Rows
4x each arm Rengade Rows
Cross Body Stretch

2. 4 Rounds: 30 sec rest between each round
14x Bent Over Barbell Row
12x Climbers Pull Ups
10x Flat Bench Hyper Extension

3. 4 Rounds: 30 sec rest between each round
14x Reverse Grip Bent Over Row
12x Narrow Grip Pull Up
10x Cable Chin Pull Downs

4. 3 Rounds As Fast As Possible
10x KB Power Upright Rows
2x Seated Sled Pulls
6x Tire Flips

5. 3 Rounds
10x Bent Knee Hip Raises
10x Roll Outs
10x Kneeling Cable Crunch
10x Jack Knife


10 Minutes on Stair Climber at a BRISK pace

1. Warm Up 3 Rounds
Band Walks down and back the length of the DB rack
10x Body Squats
Pigeon Stretch

2. 4 Rounds: 30 sec rest between each round
14x Squat
12x Pistol Squat using a band for balance
10x Hack Squat

3. 4 Rounds: 30 sec rest between each round
14x RDL
12x each leg 1 Leg Glute Raises
10x Good Mornings

4. 3 Rounds No Rest
20x Seated Calve Raises
20x Standing Rocking Calve raises

5. 3 Rounds As Fast As Possible
10x Iron Cross Squat with Calf Raises
10x Squat Swing
10x Bicycle Crunch with Band

All of these workouts are compliments of my devil trainer.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Difference a Little Meat Can Make

Can I just start by saying I loveeeee my new meal plan.  Like, I never-ever-ever am getting back together with my prior one. It shall be treated like one of my ex boyfriends – hated, despised, never crossing my mind.

Until cutting.  Then I will most likely meet that meal plan's evil ass of a brother.  Oh the things I have to look forward to for completion.

It will all be worth it.  It will all be worth it.  It better all be worth it.

My new plan really isn’t that drastic of a difference, but the small changes have made a world of difference.

For instance:
Prior Meal Plan Breakfast:  Trying to keep down 8 rubbery, no-flavor egg whites Every. Single. Morning.
New Meal Plan Breakfast:  Glorious, delicious and amazing in every way possible breakfast burrito.  It      still contains egg whites, but only 3.  I’m getting my other protein from lean ground turkey.  Perfecto!

My old breakfast was really the only part I had trouble with, but some other fabulous additions have been made.  I now get to chow down on 96% lean ground beef and glorious sweet potatoes every day for lunch.  Let’s be real.  I was born in Nebraska.  I currently reside in Nebraska.  These 2 facts equal a girl that LOVES her beef.  Its whats for dinner.  Not to mention I get 5 entire ounces of it.  That’s like a whole cow on my plan!  And sweet potatoes, oh sweet potatoes.  I’m convinced I have this morbidly obese girl living inside my body, so getting to eat anything that somewhat resembles a fry is great in my book.  Plus the health nut in me dies over sweet potatoes.  They taste freaking amazing. 

Other than that only a few other minor changes have been made, but all in all…

I’m loving it!
(cue McDonald’s theme song)

In other news, I had a bit of a scare last night.  Moose had his second round of puppy shots and all was well in the world.  Until I got done working out…

And I noticed his lip was a little puffy, so I decided to take him to my parent’s so my mom could take a look.  Important fact:  They live about 5 minutes from where I was at.

Once I got to my mom’s and got Moose in the light his whole face was puffy.
10 Minutes later it was much, much worse and red.  I freaked out a little bit.  The vet warned us that he could possibly have a reaction, but it wasn’t likely.  I especially didn’t think it was likely and brushed it off due to the fact none of our other dogs have ever had any sort of allergic reaction to their shots.  Thank God part of my brain was listening when he said to give him ¼ teaspoon of children’s Benadryl and call the emergency vet if it did happen.

This picture really doesn’t even do his poor little puffy face justice.  It looked like somebody beat him up…twice. 

I can’t imagine when I have kids someday and something like this happens to them.  It’s enough to make a person go insane with worry.

But, all is good in the Carson hood now and Moose is back to his spunky self.  Thank God.  That little nugget has stolen our hearts tenfold.

That’s all for now.  I’ll be back tomorrow with some KILLER workouts compliments of my trainer Sean THE DEVIL Tamisiea.