Helloooo dolls! I
hope you all had a fantastic weekend.
Mine was jam packed and no where near long enough (are they
ever?!). I’ve got a killer (and by killer I mean you will not want to move a single
inch tomorrow morning) workout and a new absolutely delicious recipe for you!! First off, an hour and 48 minutes of death.
Warm up
- 10min run
16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 (reps)
- over head KB Swing
(I used 12kg for sets 16 through 10 and 16kg for sets 8 through 2)
- KB Power Up-Right Row (same weight as above)
- DB Thrusters (I used 20lbs for sets 16-10 and 25lbs for 8-2)
- Scotty Bobs (In push up position holding DB: do one row with each arm fallowed by a push up, that is one rep.) (I used 20lbs for set 16, passed out, used 15lbs for 14-10, then switched back to 20lbs for 8-2)
- Dips (legs elevated)
- Front Loaded Squats (same weight as thrusters)
- Swiss Ball Leg Curl
- KB Power Up-Right Row (same weight as above)
- DB Thrusters (I used 20lbs for sets 16-10 and 25lbs for 8-2)
- Scotty Bobs (In push up position holding DB: do one row with each arm fallowed by a push up, that is one rep.) (I used 20lbs for set 16, passed out, used 15lbs for 14-10, then switched back to 20lbs for 8-2)
- Dips (legs elevated)
- Front Loaded Squats (same weight as thrusters)
- Swiss Ball Leg Curl
3. 4
Sit up to 4x Russian twist going down from each sit up (use a 10lb med ball)
-10x Burpees (I love burpees!! Said no one ever)
-20/20/20 Plank Complex (20sec of each: Left side plank, front side plank, right side plank)
-10x Burpees (I love burpees!! Said no one ever)
-20/20/20 Plank Complex (20sec of each: Left side plank, front side plank, right side plank)
Saying I was exhausted would be the understatement of the
As far as the recipe, rather than the almost better than sex
zucchini lasagna, I spiced up my ground turkey with an assortment of spices,
yes including freshly minced garlic
and made them into mini meatballs. I let
them bake in the over for about 10 minutes on 350 and heated up some tomato
sauce on the stove. Once the 10 minutes
was up, I plopped the little nuggets into the sauce for about another 15-20
minutes. In the meantime, microwave your spaghetti squash. Cut in
half, 10 minutes a slice, spoon out the middle and voila! Healthy spaghetti and meat balls J
Sorry this post is lacking a bit, but between last night’s and
this afternoon’s workout, I. am. exhausted.
In other news, I’m going to start a tumblr.
And Daisi and Moose became friends last night.
Doesn’t that just make your heart happy?!
I know most of you don’t know who Moose is since I have yet
to have been putting off a life update from the 3 month blogging hiatus I took.
So sue me. All you need to
know at the moment is he’s the newest addition to our crazy fam bam and had completely
stolen our hearts.
Now get off your ass and go do the workout!
And for those of you who aren't too big of pussies to try it,
please don’t come searching for me to hurt me because I promise IT WILL HURT
In a good way!