Friday, October 26, 2012

Today marks the 5th day of my new meal plan and I feel pretty damn good!!  Yesterday, all of my meals were the same..except for dinner!!  Yes, folks I finally made something other than zucchini lasagna, although I’m fairly certain it will be making its way back into my mouth veryyyy soon.

Not complaining about it.

But, back to the new recipe, which is equally as awesome.  Still using my ground up turkey, I made delish turkey burgers.  The patties consisted of fresh minced garlic (shocking, I know), chopped onions, and a variety of Mrs. Dash seasonings.  I try to add a variety of spices that don’t contain sodium.  Since it was beyonddddd freezing and I didn’t really feel like frostbite last night, I opted for the stovetop.  Add a little coconut oil, a little spray of Pam, and WhaBam!  I had myself quite the little burger.  I chopped it up into pieces and mixed the burger in with a big ole bowl of spinach, a diced tomato, and a smidge of fat free feta.  Top it all off with Walden Farms dressing (also shocking) and your meal is complete!!  Very yummy and extremely filling!!

This morning I did something I shouldn’t have…

I got the scale out, and faced it.

I’ve been terrified of this piece of equipment ever since I’ve started this new meal plan, because healthy or not, food is food and can add lbs.  I’ve been especially terrified because I had finally hit my goal weight about 2 months ago and would be crushed to be above it.  As a side note, for whatever reason my scale at home typically weighs me 4lbs heavier than any other scale I’ve been on whether it be at one of my 2 gyms, my parents house, wherever.  Except for the doctor’s office scale.

That thing is pure E.V.I.L.

But, back to my bravery this morning…I stripped down to my skivvies, stepped on the beast(while squinting my eyes shut I might add), and looked down to see..

 I’m 4 pounds over.. whomp, whomp!  Even though my scale weighs me heavier, it’s still incredibly disappointing to see that number after I’ve worked so hard not only with my meals this week, but also with my workouts.  They have been brutal!

I think my trainer is secretly plotting to kill me.  Or just make me pass out.  Either one.

For now, I’m going to try and not think about it too much and let my meal plan run its course for the full 2 weeks.  Then I can panic/become sad/angry/want to throw the beast into a black hole and not feel sorry about it.

No feeling sorry this weekend.  Why?  Because its FREAKING HALLOWEEN WEEKEND!!!

My absolute favorite!! 

I love getting to dress up and go out with awesome friends {and an awesomely hot boyfriend ;)}Anddd I get to have some drinks this weekend!! [Happy dance]  I’m thinking of it as a reward for doing so well this week!!!  Plus, I love vodka+waters with some lime, so fairly low cal.

Also, because I think I'm actually seeing progress, which is ALWAYS a big fat plus in my book!!

It may just be in my head, but hey, I'll take it!

I hope you all have a spooktacular weekend!
Cheesy?  Yes.  But I had to.


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