Friday, February 3, 2012

One hot mess

Happy Friday loves!!  I don’t know about you, but I am READY for the weekend!  Not only does the weekend give me days off work, but this weekend I get to celebrate my birthday with my loved ones :)  Everyone did an amazing job of making me feel incredibly special yesterday.  Thank you, I am truly blessed.  On another note, today started off bright and early.  4:30am E.A.R.L.Y. I rolled my tired butt out of bed and got ready for some hot yoga, specifically Sumits.  I’m fairly sure I was still in zombie mode on the drive there, but as soon as I walked into the room, BAM!!  Talk about a wakeup call, 120 degrees slapping you in the face will do the trick!  I am not a morning person whatsoever.  Let me reiterate that, I would rather do almost anything than wake up early in the morning.  Yet, after finishing this morning’s session I believe it will become a Friday morning ritual.  Sumits has a way of making your body feel absolutely amazing in a way that no other exercise I have found can, not to mention its one of THE BEST all-around exercises you can do for your body.  For those of you who are “non-yogis” Sumits is fairly similar to Bikram yoga, only faster paced and they play music!  I always tend to struggle with Bikram, because when the going got tough I had a hard time finding something to take my mind off the pain.  With Sumits the music does just that.  It makes you forget your drenched in sweat, in a hotter than Hades room, working your little tush off {at 5am!}.  It’s also a good time to just let your mind and body go: Not worrying about work that day, or what you have to get done this weekend, simply just YOU time.  I highly recommend trying it, at least once.  You never know until you try…..

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