Friday, November 30, 2012

A Very Special Post

Today is an EXTREMELY special post, because today my little baby sister turns 21!!! 

I cannot believe the time has come where she can drink {legally} in bars with me.  I am so incredibly proud of the amazing young woman she has become.  She inspires me daily and has a heart of solid gold.  If you have a minute, hop on over to her Facebook and show some birthday love!!  Love you babe!!  And remember..

Beer before liquor, never been sicker.  Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.

I hope you have the most amazing day.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy Hump Day Peeps!!

I apologize I've been a bit MIA nonexistent these past few weeks.  Between Thanksgiving, travels, prepping for Maddie's 21st Birthday {yikes!} and all of life's other normal happenings, you could say I've been just a tad busy.  Oh and a Brazilian wax.  Let's not forget about that little puppy, although I don't think I could if I tried...more on that in a bit.

My workouts have been insane lately.  My trainer Sean Satan has been 100% kicking my ass in the gym.  I thought TABATA was bad.. pshhh.  TABATA has nothing on this shit.  We're talking 50 reps of HEAVY weight..of each exercise.  When I say I couldn't walk right for 4 days after his leg workout.


My meal plan has also changed.  Today is my first day on it and so far I am loving it!  No more 8, disgusting, plain, tasteless egg-whites every morning.

Can I get a Hallelujah!!

Now, I get to have a freaking awesome breakfast burrito.  No, really.  It is the bees knees..his arms and his legs!!
It looks a little something like this

And has a little egg white, 99% lean ground turkey, fat-free mozzarella  peppers, and low sodium salsa, all wrapped up in a fat free whole wheat tortilla. Mmmm it is tasty.  I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's.  Yes, I think about food all the time.  No, I don't have a problem...Food would consume anyone's mind when it feels like you are constantly eating.

I also got my competition heels in and....

They look like hooker heels.

I'm debating getting an inch shorter of a heel, so I'm not as giantish on stage, but we'll see.

And finally...last week I got my first Brazilian wax.  Brazilian as in no-hair-left-behind.

How was it you ask? Well, let me tell you.  It hurt like a bitch.  It literally felt like my skin was being ripped off along with all my lady parts.  Who knew they get into every nook and cranny.  (Apologies to any men reading this, but I told you this would include the ugly and that bitch was uglyyyyy)

On the plus side, I am absolutely loving it now!!  Totally worth the pain.  And I'm pleased to say my touch-up last night was soooooo much less painful.  Any of you local gals who are thinking about biting the bullet, I HIGHLY recommend seeing Angie at Shine.  I'm 100% certain I would not have gone back had she not done such a wonderful job.  Your hoo ha will thank me..


Friday, November 16, 2012

You Won't Believe This...

I needed a catchy title in order to get you peeps to actually read my post!  


But fo real, you won't believe this....unless of course you are friends with me on Facebook.  Then, my friends you already know...

I did my first EVER unassisted chin-up!!

Happy dance on repeat x a million!!

I never, not once in my entire life have been able to accomplish this feat (& yes to me this is a huge feat) without some sort of assistance AKA someone hoisting me up by my large and in charge ass.  So yes, I'm overly excited. 

If you're hatin' on it, go rain on someone else's parade, because YOU. CAN'T. TOUCH THIS!!


Monday, November 12, 2012

TABATA Translated = Pure Hell

Yes friends, you read that correctly.  For anyone who has done a TABATA workout you feel my pain.  Quite literally.  For anyone that hasn't, you will soon join in on the fun pure and absolute agony.

Will it hurt incredibly?  Yes.

Will it be oh so worth it?  You betcha.

The worst part about TABATA workouts is they are ever so deceiving.  After the first round you mind gets the best of you and you think "This shit is easy peasy!" Then at the drop of a hat and half way through round two, your arms will want to fall off.  By the fifth round...well, let's just say I hated my trainer and wanted to punch him in the face if my arms were functioning whatsoever.  (Good thing I won't be present for you to take your anger out on! Ha!)

Oh, then it gets wayyyy better.  You have a whole other round of exercises!!  All at once now, Yayyyyyy...

Smile, you love me!

So friends, if any of you are brave enough to attempt this, I promise you won't be sorry...That is once the pain subsides and you realize you got some hella rock solid muscles!!

Veronica, I fully expect you are one of the brave souls since you got down and dirtay with my Lean Mean Strong Leg Routine :)

The Warm-Up Before the Warm-Up:
10 Minutes on Stair Stepper at a Brisk Pace (Level 7 on my machine)


  • 10x Overhead Kettlebell Swings (26lbs)
  • 6x Pull Ups
  • 6x Push Ups

Repeat for 4 Rounds

12 Minutes TABATA (20 Seconds on 10 Second off):
  • Alternating DB Floor Press (25lbs)
  • DB Fly on Back (15 lbs)
  • Overhead DB Tricep extension (25lbs)
  • Push Ups with hands on Kettlebell Handles

12 Minutes TABATA (20 Seconds on 10 Second off):
  • Barbell Bent Over Row (65lbs)
  • Reverse DB Flys (12.5lbs)
  • Straight Bar Curl (25lbs)
  • Pull Ups

3 rounds:
  • 20x Weighted Sit Ups on Ball (30lbs)
  • 20x Weighted Disc Crunches (30lbs)

8 Minute Cool Down on Stair Stepper

Thursday, November 8, 2012

iPhone Update

Since I am insanely good the absolute Queen of procrastinating and have yet to update you on all of my exiting happenings during my blogging hiatus, I figured an iPhone photo dump would get you semi-updated...

And right now, semi is good enough for me!


1. The view from my back porch as the leaves began changing
2. Daisi celebrating her 3rd birthday 
3. Proud mama and her furry child
4. Sporting my Mustache
5. Beautiful fall trees in my parents neighborhood
6. The newest member of our little family – Moose
7. Moose and I on Halloween
8. The girls on Halloween
9. Red Hot Chili Peppers concert
10. Daisi and Moose
11. Halloween at work – I dressed up as my boss and won best costume
12. Election Day

Shoulda Smash


  • 10 Minutes on elliptical {resistance at least at a 10}
6 Rounds:
  • 10x Barbell Shoulder Press {65lbs}
  • 5x Lateral Raises {12.5lbs}
  • 10x Seated Arnold Press {17.5lbs}
  • 5x Y Raises {12.5lbs}
  • 10x Easy Bar Upright Row {10lbs on each side of the bar}
  • 5x Front Raises {12.5lbs}
  • 10x Alternating Holding Hammer Curls each arm {15lbs} - For this exercise start with your arms at 90° and hold one arm there while the other arm does the hammer curl
  • 5x Rear Delt Raises {12.5lbs}
  • 10x Bicep Rope Curls {55lbs}
3 Rounds:
  • 10x Hanging Leg Raises
  • 10x Hanging Knees to Chest
  • 10x Each Leg Cross Body V Ups
  • 10x Each Side Sitting Knees to Chest
5min. Cool Down on Elliptical

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"I want to get really lean, so I'm only going to do a bunch of cardio" Said no one ever...

Lean Mean Strong Leg Routine

  • 5 Min. Jog
5 Rounds:
  • 10x Back Squat [75lbs]
  • 10x Body Squat
  • 10x Leg Extensions [Start @ 50lbs and increase 5lbs every set]
  • 10x Body Squat
  • 10x Each Leg Split Squat [25lb DB's]
  • 10x RDL's [35lb DB's]
  • 10x Exercise Ball Leg Curls
  • 10x Prone Leg Curls [Start at 55lbs and increase 5lbs every set]
  • 10x Exercise Ball Leg Curls
  • 10x Calf Press [Start at 110 and increase 10lbs every set]
4 Rounds:
  • 24x Bicycle Crunch
  • 24x Elbow to Knee Russian Twist [10lbs]
  • 12x Each Side Side Bends [10lbs]

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Ugly

Anyone attempt my workout yesterday?  Anyone want to kill me yet?  Probably, but good luck with that because I damn well know you are far too sore to even attempt a kill! 

In other news, I was reading back through old posts and realize thus far everything has been happy go lucky…on here.  Now, don’t get me wrong, things are still fairly easy, but there is one thing I am majorly struggling with…and struggling with besides the fact I’m so incredibly sick of egg whites they make me want to spew.

I am finding that when temptations are put in front of me, I am having a harder time than usual turning them down.  I truly think it’s due to the fact that my competition isn’t for a few months, so subconsciously I know I have time.  Plenty of time as a matter of fact.  I’ve done pretty damn well sticking to my meal plan for the most part, but I have had a few cheats.  Prior to my new plan, I would eat extremely healthy during the week, but the weekends were a cheat free for all.  Then come Monday, it was back to the healthy eating.

Now, I’m still eating uber healthy during the week and the weekends are no longer a free for all.  I don’t have cheat days, but rather a cheat meal and it’s working.  I am also very shocked to see that after I have a few cheats, it only takes around 2 days of me meal plan before I feel good.  And by feel good my stomach is flat and my abs are peeking through.  Prior to me new plan, I was eating drastically less and would do 1-2 cleanses a week because I thought I would get back to the “feel good” stage faster.  Apparently I’m an idiot, because eating more speeds up that process tenfold.

I’m not perfect by any means, but I fully believe once I get much closer to my competition I will have no problem saying no to temptations.  I mean, lesbehonest.  I want to look BANGIN up on that stage and take home some hardware!! 

All I’m getting at is don’t beat yourself up if you slip.  I promise it happens to everyone.

And if somebody claims they’re perfect 100% of the time.

Well, that bitch is lying!


Monday, November 5, 2012

Killer Chest & Tricep Workout

Looking for a workout to start your week off right?!?!  Yeah, I was too.  And let me tell you this workout is a way that you'll want to chop your arms off during & after.  Hey, no pain no gain right???  RIGHT!!

10 minutes on the stair climber at a brisk, I repeat BRISK pace.  No lollygaggin here people.

6 Round Of:

  • 10 Floor DB Chest Press {30lbs}
  • 5 Push Ups {& none of those girl're only doing 5, you can tough it out!!}
  • 10 Incline DB Chest Flys {17.5lbs}
  • 5 Push Ups
  • 10 DB Incline Chest Press
  • 5 Push Ups
  • 10 Rope Push Downs {70lbs}
  • 5 Push Ups
  • 10 Kick Backs {15lbs}
3 Rounds Of:
  • 12 Full Sit Ups {10lbs}
  • 12 Crunches with Legs at 90°
  • 12 Leg Raises
  • 12 Toes to Sky
10 minutes on the stair climber.

Disclaimer:  Don't plan on using your upper body for 2-3 days after completing workout.

Happy Lifting!! :) 


Friday, November 2, 2012

I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween!!  I'm not quite sure what it is about it, but Halloween still remains my FAVORITE!!   I went over to my parents house to carve paint pumpkins with the fam bam {much less messy} and I'd say they were a success!

{my creation}

We then took over candy duty for my mom and I loved it!! It was so fun seeing all of the little kid's costumes and seeing them get soooo excited over candy.  

We also had a costume contest at work and drumroll please.....


My pride and joy!

I decided it would be funny freaking hilarious to dress up as my boss.  And I was correct.

Now, this picture of my boss really doesn't do my costume justice.  When he's not getting his picture taken professionally, he always I repeat ALWAYS wears suspenders.  Even better was the fact that the suspenders I found had blingin' money signs all over them.  Cha Ching!!

Nothing new with my meal plan, other than the fact I'm probably going to start clucking laying eggs sooner rather than later as a result of the mass amount of eggs I'm required to eat.  I'm seriously beginning to get sick of them.. Like I want to vomit every time a fork full comes anywhere in and around my mouth.. Any recipes that incorporates oh 8 egg whites would be greatly appreciated :)  

Seriously.  Please send them to me.  I'm dying over here!!

Anywho, one snack that I am in looooooveeeee with is my Greek yogurt afternoon concoction.

Taaa-daaaaa!!!!!  It's freaking amazing.  Fo real.

It's been known to melt my taste buds off in a totally awesome way.

So what's in this delicious mess you might ask?  Well, it's really quite simple. 

Chelsie's Amazing Secret Greek Yogurt Recipe That Is Sure To Melt Your Taste Buds Off:
  1. 6oz Non-fat 0% plain greek yogurt
  2. .75oz Vanilla whey protein
  3. 2oz Blueberries
  4. 1 Tbs. any flavor of sugar free instant jello mix
  5. A dash of cinnamon
I went on a bit of a SF instant Jell-o mix shopping spree the other night and I cannot freaking wait to try all of the other flavors.  So far I've tried Lemon, Butterscotch, and Cheesecake and they've all been amazing.  On the list to try are White Chocolate, Pistachio, and Banana Cream.  Bad news is I only get this hot mess once a day. Whomp, whomp.

You're welcome in advance for another great recipe.